

※ Notice

  • The award will be given to the presenting author who accepts their abstracts.
  • Duplicate awards are NOT allowed.
  • All presenters need to register with full payment to receive the award, after their complete the presentation at the onsite, they can receive the Grant during the congress.

Scientific Achievement Award

  • Domestic: 5,000,000 KRW
  • Overseas: 10,000 USD

Distinguished Young Investigator Award

  • Domestic: 1,000,000 KRW (2 winners)
  • Overseas: 4,000 USD

Competition Awards

  • Best Oral Presentation Award
    Gold (1 winner): 1,000 USD
    Silver (1 winner): 500 USD
  • Best Moderated Poster Presentation Award: 500 USD (2 winners)
  • Best Mini-Oral Presentation Award: 500 USD (2 winners)
  • Young Investigator Award: 500 USD (1 winner)
  • Applicants must be under the age of 40 by the date of the presentation.
* 내국인 수상 내역
Outstanding Abstract Award 10편 30만원
최다초록상 최다 초록 제출 병원 (1기관)
최다 초록 제출자 (1명)
* 초록 채택자 혜택
  • 발표자 1인과 공저자 1인 무료등록
  • 서울 외 지역에 소재한 기관(소속)에서 근무 시, 숙박 1박(글래드호텔) 무료제공 (발표자 1인에 한해 지원)
  • 사전등록 완료 및 대회 참석자에 한하여 채택자 혜택이 제공됩니다.

Travel Grant

  • Abstract presenters who have applied for a Travel Grants.
  • Abstract presenters must be non-Korean.
  • All presenters must be pre-registered participants with full payment.
  • All presenters should attend the on-site APCMS 2024 congress.
Category Travel Grant
Foreigner 50 Presenters Japan / China 600 USD, Discounted registration fee of 50 USD
Asian countries other than Japan and China 800 USD, Discounted registration fee of 50 USD
Countries outside of Asia 1,000 USD, Discounted registration fee of 50 USD
30 Presenters Free registration fee and accommodation provided
Foreign Residents in Korea 300,000 KRW